Achieving Stroke Recovery: Tips and Strategies


Taking care of a loved one who recently underwent a stroke is difficult. This difficult time is accompanied by changes in their ability to take care of themselves, coupled with uncertainty and anxiety that can leave the family feeling overwhelmed. In addition to seeking personal care in Scottsdale, Arizona, here are ways you can help your loved one recover at home:

  • Learn more about stroke.

    In the first few weeks after the stroke, there will be a lot to figure out as you assess the future. To navigate your loved one’s recovery, it helps to learn more about stroke, its risk factors, and similar details. Ask your healthcare provider questions about medications, diet, rehabilitation, and what to expect when you get home.

  • Make home adjustments.

    In addition to receiving help from a home care agency, evaluate your loved one’s home for safety. You may need to make some minor home modifications to promote comfort and reduce the risk of accidents. Grab bars and handrails can be installed in key areas to add stability. If your loved one is in a wheelchair, special door hinges can be installed to provide extra room for the wheelchair to pass through.

  • Reduce risk factors for a second stroke.

    When a person experiences a stroke, they have a greater risk of having another one. Aside from providing companionship, follow the necessary precautions and post-stroke recommendations your physician provides. Prepare healthy, well-balanced meals, monitor medications, and attend all necessary doctor appointments.

We at Heritage Home Care are here to support your recovery journey. If you need help looking after your loved one, we offer post-hospital services and respite care when you need to take a break from your caregiving duties. Reach out to us for more information.


Blogs, content, and other media uploaded online are for informational purposes only. Contents on this website should not be considered medical advice. Readers are strongly encouraged to visit their physician for health-related issues.

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